Websites for Science Education in Canada & British Columbia
Perhaps the best place to start when examining science education is within the BC Ministry of Education itself. Here you can locate and download a variety of curriculum documents as they relate to science education here:
BC Ministry of Education Science Education
British Columbia, unlike many states in the US has also developed and published a set of environmental education curriculum maps as well. While they have not been fully incorporated into BC's science standards, they are innovative in their design and worth noting for any science educator interested in environmental studies as well. They can be accessed here:
BC Ministry of Education Environmental Education
BC Ministry of Education Science Education
British Columbia, unlike many states in the US has also developed and published a set of environmental education curriculum maps as well. While they have not been fully incorporated into BC's science standards, they are innovative in their design and worth noting for any science educator interested in environmental studies as well. They can be accessed here:
BC Ministry of Education Environmental Education
Websites for Science Education in the United States
The Board on Science Education for the National Academies has updated the 1996 National Science Standards in a new publication entitled A Framework for Science Education. The publication can be accessed here:
A Framework for Science Education
A Framework for Science Education
National Science Teachers Association
The National Science Teachers Association has been advocating for states to adopt the next generation of science standards. At their website you can find out more information about their efforts. Their work can be accessed here:
National Science Teachers Association
National Science Teachers Association